From Best Selling Author, Lee Arnold...
Get Lee’s NEWEST Book Completely Free
Just Pay Shipping And Handling.

From Best Selling Author, Lee Arnold...
Get Lee’s NEWEST Book Completely Free
Just Pay Shipping And Handling.

Become A ‘Money Connector’...

Become A ‘Money Connector’...

And You Could Generate

And You Could Generate

Lump Sum Payments

Lump Sum Payments

of $2,000 to $6,000

of $2,000 to $6,000

Lending Other People’s Money!

Lending Other People’s Money!

Become A 



Become A ‘Money Connector’...

And You Could Generate

And You Could Generate

Lump Sum Payments
of $2,000 to $6,000

Lump Sum Payments

of $2,000 to $6,000

Lending Other People’s Money!

Lending Other People’s Money!

Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON! (Please Wait For Video To Fully Load)


We pay for the book, you cover shipping

Best Part?

You Don’t Need A Degree Or License.

And You Can Work From Home Or Anywhere Else In The World. 

Dear Friend,

Let’s get right to it without any “warm-up”.

I’m looking to hire people and turn them into bonafide “money connectors”.

But here’s the catch.

It’s not like a regular job where you have to report to a boss.
You don’t have to have a fancy degree.
And you don’t need any experience on your part.
Just the desire to follow simple directions, which just about anybody can do.

You see, I’m a private money lender.

I have access to millions that I lend to people.

And, to be frank, I am just one person and I cannot “multiply” myself across the country.

That’s Why I’m Willing To Send You A
 $2000-$6000 Check For Every Transaction!

And the best part is this:
  • You can work from home or anywhere in the world
  • You don’t have to meet the people you’re working with
  • You don’t need business experience
  • ​You don’t need any special education
In fact, all you need is a phone and an Internet connection, and that’s it!

And, nope, you don’t need to flip houses or put up a huge up-front investment.

(In fact, you can get started for just the price of a couple of Starbucks, if you choose!)

Now I’m sure you’re wondering, “Who am I and why you should trust me?”
Lee Arnold

My name is Lee Arnold and I run a company that lends people private money.

Now, this is different than a conventional loan from a bank.

These are loans that are secured by an asset or property as collateral.

And a borrower’s financial condition or credit scores are not a factor.

The best part is the funding frame is shorter

...which means I can put a check in your hands in as little as 1-3 days.

Now I’m sure you’re wondering:

“Who In The World Is
Taking Out These Loans?”

These loans are primarily being taken out by real estate investors.

And the real estate market has been red hot  lately.

That means more investors are using these fast loans to flip properties…

...which means to purchase a property, fix it up, and sell it for a higher worth.

And don’t worry.

Everything is legal and legit.

And more and more people are getting involved in real estate…

...which is a great opportunity to become a bonafide Money Connector.

It works like this:
  • Simple Step #1: You find the borrowers
  • ​Simple Step #2: You bring them to me
  • ​Simple Step #3: I cut you a fat check
It's as simple as that!

Just ask these go-getters:
What’s great is you can read more about this opportunity in my book called:

The Money Connector

How To Make An Income
Lending Other People’s Money


We pay for the book, you cover shipping

You pay only $14.97 for
shipping and handling

Best Part?

You Don’t Need A Degree Or License.

And You Can Work From Home Or Anywhere Else In The World. 

Dear Friend,

Let’s get right to it without any “warm-up”.

I’m looking to hire people and turn them into bonafide “money connectors”.

But here’s the catch.

It’s not like a regular job where you have to report to a boss.

You don’t have to have a fancy degree.

And you don’t need any experience on your part.

Just the desire to follow simple directions, which just about anybody can do.

You see, I’m a private money lender.

I have access to millions that I lend to people.

And, to be frank, I am just one person and I cannot “multiply” myself across the country.

That’s Why I’m Willing To Send You A $2000-$6000 Check For Every Transaction!

And the best part is this:
  • You can work from home or anywhere in the world
  • You don’t have to meet the people you’re working with
  • You don’t need business experience
  • ​You don’t need any special education
In fact, all you need is a phone and an Internet connection, and that’s it!

And, nope, you don’t need to flip houses or put up a huge up-front investment.

(In fact, you can get started for just the price of a couple of Starbucks, if you choose!)

Now I’m sure you’re wondering, “Who am I and why you should trust me?”
Lee Arnold

My name is Lee Arnold and I run a company that lends people private money.

Now, this is different than a conventional loan from a bank.

These are loans that are secured by an asset or property as collateral.

And a borrower’s financial condition or credit scores are not a factor.

The best part is the funding frame is shorter

...which means I can put a check in your hands in as little as 1-3 days.

Now I’m sure you’re wondering:

“Who In The World Is
Taking Out These Loans?”

These loans are primarily being taken out by real estate investors.

And the real estate market has been red hot  lately.

That means more investors are using these fast loans to flip properties…

...which means to purchase a property, fix it up, and sell it for a higher worth.

And don’t worry.

Everything is legal and legit.

And more and more people are getting involved in real estate…

...which is a great opportunity to become a bonafide Money Connector.

It works like this:
  • Simple Step #1: You find the borrowers
  • ​Simple Step #2: You bring them to me
  • ​Simple Step #3: I cut you a fat check
It's as simple as that!

Just ask these go-getters:
What’s great is you can read more about this opportunity in my book called:

The Money Connector

How To Make An Income
Lending Other People’s Money

You pay only $14.97 for shipping and handling

Yes Lee, I Want To Discover How To Earn $2,000-$6,000
Per Transaction Without Leaving The House
Yes Lee, I Want To Discover How To Earn $2,000-$6,000
Per Transaction Without Leaving The House
This free book reveals the entire system in detail so you can take a look and see if it's right for you.
And don't worry: You don't have to be involved in the selling of the real estate transaction.

In other words, you don't have to drive around town looking at properties.

You just "connect" them with the money.

And you can do it from home or anywhere else in the world.

All you need is a phone and an internet connection and you're all set.

And here's the best part:

Like most opportunities that involve you having to "sell stuff"... won't have to do that here.


Because you're selling real estate's highest in-demand item: Money!

And don't worry:
  • You don't need any special training
  • ​You don't have to own a single property
  • ​You don't have to lend your own money (you're using mine!)
In other words, you don't have to get involved in "the real estate business"... just simply connect people with money and let them mess with the other stuff!

Best part?

You Can Start Part-Time And Work Up To A
Full-Time Basis If You Choose (You Call The Shots!)

What's great is you can get started in your spare time.

You don’t have to do anything drastic, like quit your job.

That means you can get started as a money connector while doing what you’re doing now.

In other words, you’re under control.

And you can make as much as you want.

Want to earn an extra $5,000/month to pay down some bills?

Go right ahead.

How about quitting your job and earning six figures in less than 12 months?

Be my guest.

You choose how much money you want to make, based on your situation.

That’s the freedom that being a Money Connector can give you.

Plus it’s not a job you’ll feel embarrassed to tell your friends and family about.

You simply tell them you help people get funding for real estate transactions.

In other words, this is a position you’ll be proud to tell people about when they ask you…
"So, what are you doing these days"
And the best part is:

All You're Doing Is
Saying "Maybe" Right Now

So go ahead and claim your free copy of The Money Connector: How To Make An Income Lending Other People’s Money.

You’ll read all about it and make a decision whether this opportunity is for you.

No pressure. No hard-selling. No B.S.

And you’re not obligated to do anything.

I guarantee that when you read my book, any skepticism will melt away.

You’ll see yourself working this system in your spare time…

...and making huge checks being a Money Connector.

And you’ll see more opportunities open up for you in your life.

  • The possibility of quitting your job and doing this full time
  • ​The ability to potentially pay down bills and become debt-free
  • ​The power to work when you want, wherever you want
  • ​​The chance to enjoy the "good things" in life
And to get rid of the feeling of being tied to a 9-5 job with no pay raise in sight.

Here's Everything You Are
Getting For FREE Today:

Free Money Connector Book (Sells On Amazon For $24.95)
  • BONUS #1: Fireside Chats Monthly LIVE Sessions With Lee Arnold & Special Guests Discussing How They Overcome Obstacles, What's Working In Today's Economy & Strategies For Winning
  • ​BONUS #2: Impact Investor Series Insider Interviews Related To Generating Passive Income, Creating Wealth & How To Profit In Any Economy
  • ​BONUS #3: (2) Tickets To Nationwide Funding Tour This hands-on experience could change you from a novice real estate part-timer to a powerhouse full-time investor in only 2 days!
  • ​​BONUS #4: One-on-One, Money Connector Coaching Session Where You'll Walk Away With A Custom-To-You Action Plan For Achieving Massive Success With Money Connecting 

You're Automatically HIRED If You Decide This Opportunity Is For You!

That’s how much I need to “multiply myself” because I cannot reach all these potential borrowers myself.

If you decide this opportunity is for you and you’re in…

...then you’re automatically hired.

It’s as simple as that. And I’ll support you every step of the way.

So why not take the first important step and claim your copy of The Money Connector: How To Make An Income Lending Other People’s Money

...while it’s still hot on your mind.

Yes Lee, All I'm Doing Is Saying "Maybe" By Claiming A Free Copy Of Your Book!

I look forward to helping you!


Lee Arnold

P.S. I'm not sure how long I'll give away my book for free. So claim your copy now while this page is still up!
“I just got my first check from my first deal and I’m so excited!

Thank you for all that you do. I never would have known about this without you all!”

-- Cekarri Nixon

The Money Connector

This free book reveals the entire system in detail so you can take a look and see if it's right for you.
And don't worry: You don't have to be involved in the selling of the real estate transaction.

In other words, you don't have to drive around town looking at properties.

You just "connect" them with the money.

And you can do it from home or anywhere else in the world.

All you need is a phone and an internet connection and you're all set.

And here's the best part:

Like most opportunities that involve you having to "sell stuff"... won't have to do that here.


Because you're selling real estate's highest in-demand item: Money!

And don't worry:
  • You don't need any special training
  • ​You don't have to own a single property
  • ​You don't have to lend your own money (you're using mine!)
In other words, you don't have to get involved in "the real estate business"... just simply connect people with money and let them mess with the other stuff!

Best part?

You Can Start Part-Time And Work Up To A
Full-Time Basis If You Choose (You Call The Shots!)

What's great is you can get started in your spare time. You don’t have to do anything drastic, like quit your job.

That means you can get started as a money connector while doing what you’re doing now.

In other words, you’re under control.

And you can make as much as you want.

Want to earn an extra $5,000/month to pay down some bills?

Go right ahead.

How about quitting your job and earning six figures in less than 12 months?

Be my guest.

You choose how much money you want to make, based on your situation.

That’s the freedom that being a Money Connector can give you.

Plus, it’s not a job you’ll feel embarrassed to tell your friends and family about.

You simply tell them you help people get funding for real estate transactions.

In other words, this is a position you’ll be proud to tell people about when they ask you…

"So, what are you doing these days?"
And the best part is:

All You're Doing Is
Saying "Maybe" Right Now

So go ahead and claim your free copy of The Money Connector: How To Make An Income Lending Other People’s Money. You’ll read all about it and make a decision whether this opportunity is for you.

No pressure. No hard-selling. No B.S.

And you’re not obligated to do anything.

I guarantee that when you read my book, any skepticism will melt away. You’ll see yourself working this system in your spare time…

...and making huge checks being a Money Connector.

And you’ll see more opportunities open up for you in your life.

Opportunities like:
  • The possibility of quitting your job and doing this full time
  • ​The ability to potentially pay down bills and become debt-free
  • ​The power to work when you want, wherever you want
  • ​​The chance to enjoy the "good things" in life
And to get rid of the feeling of being tied to a 9-5 job with no pay raise in sight.

Here's Everything You Are
Getting For FREE Today:

Free Money Connector Book
(Sells On Amazon For $24.95)
PLUS These Awesome Bonuses!
Fireside Chats Monthly LIVE Sessions With Lee Arnold & Special Guests Discussing How They Overcome Obstacles, What's Working In Today's Economy & Strategies For Winning
Impact Investor Series Insider Interviews Related To Generating Passive Income, Creating Wealth & How To Profit In Any Economy
(2) Tickets To Nationwide Funding Tour This hands-on experience could change you from a novice real estate part-timer to a powerhouse full-time investor in only 2 days!
One-on-One, Money Connector Coaching Session Where You'll Walk Away With A Custom-To-You Action Plan For Achieving Massive Success With Money Connecting 

You're Automatically HIRED
If You Decide This Opportunity Is For You!

That’s how much I need to “multiply myself” because I cannot reach all these potential borrowers myself.

If you decide this opportunity is for you and you’re in…

...then you’re automatically hired.

It’s as simple as that. And I’ll support you every step of the way.

So why not take the first important step and claim your copy of The Money Connector: How To Make An Income Lending Other People’s Money … while it’s still hot on your mind.

Yes Lee, All I'm Doing Is Saying "Maybe"
By Claiming A Free Copy Of Your Book!

I look forward to helping you!


Lee Arnold

P.S. I'm not sure how long I'll give away my book for free. So claim your copy now while this page is still up!
Meet The Author, Mr. Lee Arnold
Regardless of where you are in your investing career right now, I can guarantee you that I’ve been there.

It all began with two life-altering moments in my life that set me on the millionaire trajectory. Both happened when I was in my early 20s. Like most self-made millionaires, I began at the bottom of the financial food-chain. My humble beginnings started as a bag boy at a local grocery chain in Spokane, Washington working for $3.90 per hour.

My first “aha moment” happened while I was aspiring to a management role at the store and was reading the life-changing book, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. 

My second “aha moment” happened while I was sitting in a philosophy 101 course in college. While the minutes ticked by, he let it slip that he was making only $45k a year. That information and the knowledge I gained from Kiyosaki’s book made me realize I was on the wrong path to success and needed to make some very important changes fast. 

Through long years of trial and error, I built up a very profitable million-dollar real estate business from the ground up. I’m proof-positive that the training system can and does work! And now I'd like to share this with you... if you'll let me.
Meet The Author,
Mr. Lee Arnold

Regardless of where you are in your investing career right now, I can guarantee you that I’ve been there.

It all began with two life-altering moments in my life that set me on the millionaire trajectory. Both happened when I was in my early 20s. Like most self-made millionaires, I began at the bottom of the financial food-chain. My humble beginnings started as a bag boy at a local grocery chain in Spokane, Washington working for $3.90 per hour.

My first “aha moment” happened while I was aspiring to a management role at the store and was reading the life-changing book, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. 

My second “aha moment” happened while I was sitting in a philosophy 101 course in college. While the minutes ticked by, he let it slip that he was making only $45k a year. That information and the knowledge I gained from Kiyosaki’s book made me realize I was on the wrong path to success and needed to make some very important changes fast. 

Through long years of trial and error, I built up a very profitable million-dollar real estate business from the ground up. I’m proof-positive that the training system can and does work! And now I'd like to share this with you... if you'll let me.
Look This FREE Offer Won't Last Long. Hurry And Get Your Copy of The Money Connector Before It's Gone! Just click on the button below!
Secured Investment Corp is not a provider of legal services or advice, and nothing contained herein is intended to convey or constitute legal advice to you or any other individuals. If you have any legal questions or concerns, you should direct them to your attorney.

Earnings Disclaimer:
As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income — in fact, most people do not — and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. Our programs are not designed or intended to qualify individuals for employment. Our programs are avocational in nature and are intended for the purpose of the personal enrichment, development, and enjoyment of individuals.

The above statements are not and shall not, under any circumstances, be construed as a commitment on the part of Cogo Capital to provide any financing. Funding not available where prohibited by law, or in states where Cogo Capital does not trade. Loans are available only on non-owner occupied real property. NMLS #1760709; Arizona Mortgage Broker License #0950084; California Finance Lenders License 60DBO-101344. Loans are also available in California through Cogo Capital Orange County, Inc. – California DRE License #01928542; NMLS #1051036.